Sunday, January 27, 2008


Name: Nykolai Dimitri Kosmin
Nickname: Nyk
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be around 24(exact age unknown)
DOB: January 15 (year unknown at least 200 years)
Hair: Black with Red Highlights(sometimes replaced with another color)
Eyes: Mostly light blue but it varies (Red/yellow when vampire)
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 175 lbs
Instrument: Vocals
Occupation: Tattoo artist

History: Nykolai doesn't talk much about his past(really doesn't talk much at all) Most of the time people only hear him speak when he has to sing and some of his past is revealed through his lyrics. His songs don't always make sense all the time and no one ever asks him about it cause it's kind of a one-sided pointless conversation. What is known is that he is born from Japanese and Russian parents.

Personality: Not one to open up conservation to others. He appears very cold and apathetic, but is actually a very caring person deep down. He is a very depenable person as well. Even if he doesn't like to admit he's helping someone he will come to the aid of a friend. He's pretty uptight about certain things and prefers things his way and isn't too fond of change.

Likes: Even though he won't admit it and may even appear a bit annoyed he likes the company of his friends. Favorite food is sushi and of course blood
Dislikes: Feeling useless, unorganization, surprises, and change.

Stats here


K3rry said...

Wow, Japanese and Russian parents, you really pulled all he stops on originality for these characters ! Crap thow, he doesn't like surprises, him and Daemon must butt heads often ( i get the whole he's a Vampire and he's Werewolf thing now thow, and i would totally make sense here ). I'm used to dealing with silent types, so everything you decribed about him i could tell by looking at him. In other words, you did a FINE job with Nykolai !

vterren said...

Nykolai's my favorite. He would be nice to hang out with if he was real, even if it would be a little awkward (he doesn't talk much). Plus, I like that he's asian.

Anonymous said...

The Japanese/Russian ancestry could be believable. Russia and Japan once fought a war with Russia about a hundred years ago and won. He could have been born from that conflict (Maybe his mother was raped by a Japanese soldier). Or perhaps it was from an earlier encounter. Russians looked down on the Japanese though, so I wonder how Nyk's birth happend. Regardless of my rants, the artwork is great! Awesome job!

Kayest_Jeffree_Star said...

I love Nykolai he is hot to i love his cock